Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I cannot believe it.

I am finding it hard to believe that today went by. I mean it just went by, nothing good or bad happened. Didn't get any of those the world is coming to an end phone calls. Or I know it's the end of the day but I really need you to jump through your ass and everyone else's ass to get this done. No you need to come to my location (which is two hours from where you are) and talk to me about this. Looking back on it I mean I just cannot believe it. I didn't even get phone calls after I left work. (Today was the mandated family time) I see everyone is really serious about it now. In the past it was sort of like put it in your plan, but you might or might not get it. That was a fact, an all to true fact. Matter of fact I ran across a guy on my way home today. Get this GA already tested, was thinking about coming back to us. Just lost his job, no law. Guess what? No one would have found him if they were stuck in the office making phone calls, or doing something equally stupid. But I found that joker in a quick mart buying slim jims. Granted he would have probably walked in within the week. But after talking to me he has a sense of urgency now. Now I get to turn that guy over to one of my recruiters that will make his day tomorrow.

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