Thursday, January 22, 2009

This cute little game we play

Here is how this game is played sometimes. We are all about the numbers. As recruiters and station commanders we all pressured to make the numbers. We have to make so many apts a day, we have to have so many conducts per week, and we have to have so many testers per week, so many test passed per week and of course there is the animal of contract placement. Now anyone who is smart will sit there and say well if you make so many apts you will get so many conducts testers etc. Now what is supposed to happen is this make so many of this get that and so on. We are told in the school house that for example in a perfect world as a recruiter you are supposed to have 6 apts 4 conducts 2 testers 1 test passed and one contract each week. Now this is in a damn perfect world. Let me clue everyone in on something, you are not going to make that each and every week. But the people who are in charge way above the station level believes that this has to be done each and every week. What kind weed are they smoking? Hell I would like some of that shit. Those numbers are a damn guide, not the fucking gospel according to Matthew. There are numerous things that goes on during a recruiters day that takes us away from making apts. But no one seems to fucking care or give a shit. Give me my numbers, what about these conducts etc. Sometimes I want to tell the powers that be they can shove that MAP up their ass and sit on it. Most everyone that joins the Army are walk ins anyhow. No one wants to believe it. They want to say that if you make 400 phone calls a day you are supposed to have so many apts and so on down the road we can go. Never, never, never I have I ever had a good apt off of a phone call. It is a big damn waste of time. And now days with the caller ID people look at that shit. But the people in charge seem to think that no one looks at caller ID, they seem to think that eveyone is sitting at the house waiting for you to call them. Bullshit. We need to be out in the street finding people that way, the people that wind up joining are the people who are tired of their everyday mundane bullshit job they are holding. Now I have a station that is always making mission, and get this we are fucking working weekends, working from damn 0830 and working past 2100 at night, and no one in the command gives a fucking fat rats ass. I have never been treated like this in all my life. I have never been anywhere that is making mission and we have to work like this. How many quality conducts have you ever had on a damn Saturday, yeah that is what I thought fucking none. This to me is a crock of shit. How the hell are you supposed to preach to soldiers that they will have a good quality of life if they are making mission? You cannot when your hand as a station commander is being forced to keep them there. I was brought up make mission, go fishing. But not here, we are working our soldiers to the damn bone. It is fucking crimminal.

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