Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Why do some people fee the need?
I know it's a stupid title to the post but you will see where I'm going with this in a minute. Why is it that some people fee the need to not come into work and then turn around and chew out their subordinates for taking a little time off to take care of some personal business. There is someone I know who is in a leadership position that is completely like this. I am not going to say what level they are at but it's not hard to figure it out. After all most of you who read this are pretty smart. Well this guy shows up to work around 1000 most every day and then leaves around 1400 everyday. I don't know about your train of thought how can this person effect anything that is going on other than a phone call. And who is really going to take him seriously? Please explain that one to me. I know I don't really respect anyone that cannot take the time out their busy day and at least come in to work. I mean really? Dude has a standing 1500 appointment everyday with his personal trainer. I was under the impression that PT was conducted before or after work hours but not him he does it during the so called meaty part of the day. And what is so funny is everyone knows what he does. Everyone knows after a certain time of day you cannot get ahold of this person. Everyone knows that...period. He is not as slick as he thinks. So what gets me is the company commander is allowing this to happen. Please explain to me how any commander can allow that to happen. And because this person is this way. Suspenses from higher are being ignored and in turn that creates an unbalanced workload on the people below. "Hey get this done really quick because I forgot to tell you about it 3 weeks ago." I do find it hilarious.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
People who actually work
So for the last few years I've dealt with some lazy people who are in charge. I remember we had this one commander who had a dental appointment for what seemed like everyday of the week. And he always said his email never worked or was always crashing. But whenever he wanted to get in touch with you via email you better believe his email worked then. Actually I found it a little funny. I tried the old excuse my email crashed with him one time and I swear my nuts wound up in a cheese grater. Then this one first sergeant we had. I think this guy only showed up to work like one day a week and didn't give a shit about anything unless someone from higher called his out. But he was a real piece of work for sure. And what I cannot figure out is how the higher ups couldn't know that the command leaders we had were doing what they were doing. To be honest I think they were turning a blind eye to all of it. And don't even get me started on the current 1SG that we have right now. This guy comes to work around 1030 or sometimes around 1100 stays long enough to piss you off then leaves for the day. How is it that these sort of things go on and no one above them seems to know what's going on. Again I think the blind eye thing is still happening. Either way whatever. I don't know what's worse too much involvement or too little. I think just the right amount is good. You want a least that's going to be in your shit just enough to keep you honest but not so much that they we going to make you want to go home and drink a half gallon of whiskey. But by the same token not enough involvement brings up the last minute bullshit ass suspendes. You know the shit they were told to get done but yet they don't come to work enough and in turn what happens a bigger workload is put on you because they are being incompetent. The one we have now is a straight up do as I say not as I do leader. Sits around and talks all this shit but is never around when you need them. Has a standing gym appointment at 1500 everyday. You can hang up the phone you're not getting in touch with his ass past 1430 everyday. But yet this is the same person that will question every minute of his soldiers days when they need a little time to take off to take care of shit. That's bullshit
More bullshit
Oh man where to start now. No matter what someone is always fucking with you. It seemed that when people were not joining they were fucking with you about that. Now that people are joining and you are making mission they find some other shit to fuck with you about. And to illustrate my point I will try and use the following examples.
First off I would like to start off with the MAP. Yep there is that ugly ass word again. But the other day we are told that everyone will be held accountable to the MAP from the bottom up. Fine, okay, got it. But, really? Why are we stuck on this thing when people are joining at a record rate. Then we are told that if the recruiters don't make appointments that they will be made to stay late to make up shortfalls and that the station commanders will sit there and supervise the recruiters. Well not long ago didn't thinking like this create the atmosphere that we were tyring to avoid not all that long ago? Yes I believe it was. I thought that the policy in place says that production will not be held to time off. Yes there are a few ways around it. I get that. But to hold a person hostage to production is just plain wrong. Now if those same people didn't do the work that was set out for them then yes keep them afterwards. I am going to sit here and say it again. YOU CANNOT MAKE SOMEONE COME IN THE OFFICE. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT HOW GOOD YOUR BENEFITS ARE OR WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER THEM. YOU CANNOT MAKE ANYONE COME IN FOR AN APPOINTMENT. And here is what it all comes back down to again, our destiny is going to rest in someone else's decision to do something.
Now here is something else I don't get, just sending someone down to pick any job that that has been offered to them. Now the Army has sold itself for years and years that when you come to our office that you will get to choose the job of your choice. So now on a dime you want recruiters to sit there and tell people that, "Hey I understand that you come in here to join, but you are just coming in here to be just a soldier." Well if they wanted to hear a line of shit like that they would go join the fucking Marine Corps. People come to us for a particular job. Bottom line. If that is what the powers that be wants then why not just offer an open contract to every Army applicant. That way there is no question about what is going to happen when they go down to MEPS. That would be a little easier to explain to people. I am tired of having to fill out the fucking 5W's as to why someone didn't pick a job at MEPS. Especially when they have a 75-99 on the ASVAB and the only thing that is showing on the system is 92G or some other bullshit. Especially when not even a year ago their buddy who has referred them got what they wanted. What do you think that person is going to do? They are not going to join. Well then I have to hear, "How did we ever let it get to this?" And on that same note as above. YOU CANNOT MAKE SOMEONE TAKE SOMETHING THEY DON'T WANT. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE ARMY IS KNOWN FOR LETTING PEOPLE CHOOSE THE JOB THEY WANT. Well I have an idea why not just shut down production for a while and then we won't have these fucking problems. But we have to build the DEP pool for next FY right? Right. But yet we are pushing people's ship dates out into January. Maybe I am getting tired of it all. I just don't know. Then there is the big push for USAR, and prior service. I get the push for USAR. Just not the prior service, especially when we don't have the ability to process IRR transfers. All we have to prospect with is a sorry ass DMDC list. Which BTW I have yet to get a single contract off of. 99% of those people on their do not want to join. But yet that is all we have to prospect off of. Most of those fuckers are out of state, don't want to join. My recruiters and myself have been told to go fuck off more times off the DMDC list than HS seniors. Well enough of this all this bitching ain't going to change shit anyhow. No matter what we are always going to get fucked with.
First off I would like to start off with the MAP. Yep there is that ugly ass word again. But the other day we are told that everyone will be held accountable to the MAP from the bottom up. Fine, okay, got it. But, really? Why are we stuck on this thing when people are joining at a record rate. Then we are told that if the recruiters don't make appointments that they will be made to stay late to make up shortfalls and that the station commanders will sit there and supervise the recruiters. Well not long ago didn't thinking like this create the atmosphere that we were tyring to avoid not all that long ago? Yes I believe it was. I thought that the policy in place says that production will not be held to time off. Yes there are a few ways around it. I get that. But to hold a person hostage to production is just plain wrong. Now if those same people didn't do the work that was set out for them then yes keep them afterwards. I am going to sit here and say it again. YOU CANNOT MAKE SOMEONE COME IN THE OFFICE. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT HOW GOOD YOUR BENEFITS ARE OR WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER THEM. YOU CANNOT MAKE ANYONE COME IN FOR AN APPOINTMENT. And here is what it all comes back down to again, our destiny is going to rest in someone else's decision to do something.
Now here is something else I don't get, just sending someone down to pick any job that that has been offered to them. Now the Army has sold itself for years and years that when you come to our office that you will get to choose the job of your choice. So now on a dime you want recruiters to sit there and tell people that, "Hey I understand that you come in here to join, but you are just coming in here to be just a soldier." Well if they wanted to hear a line of shit like that they would go join the fucking Marine Corps. People come to us for a particular job. Bottom line. If that is what the powers that be wants then why not just offer an open contract to every Army applicant. That way there is no question about what is going to happen when they go down to MEPS. That would be a little easier to explain to people. I am tired of having to fill out the fucking 5W's as to why someone didn't pick a job at MEPS. Especially when they have a 75-99 on the ASVAB and the only thing that is showing on the system is 92G or some other bullshit. Especially when not even a year ago their buddy who has referred them got what they wanted. What do you think that person is going to do? They are not going to join. Well then I have to hear, "How did we ever let it get to this?" And on that same note as above. YOU CANNOT MAKE SOMEONE TAKE SOMETHING THEY DON'T WANT. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE ARMY IS KNOWN FOR LETTING PEOPLE CHOOSE THE JOB THEY WANT. Well I have an idea why not just shut down production for a while and then we won't have these fucking problems. But we have to build the DEP pool for next FY right? Right. But yet we are pushing people's ship dates out into January. Maybe I am getting tired of it all. I just don't know. Then there is the big push for USAR, and prior service. I get the push for USAR. Just not the prior service, especially when we don't have the ability to process IRR transfers. All we have to prospect with is a sorry ass DMDC list. Which BTW I have yet to get a single contract off of. 99% of those people on their do not want to join. But yet that is all we have to prospect off of. Most of those fuckers are out of state, don't want to join. My recruiters and myself have been told to go fuck off more times off the DMDC list than HS seniors. Well enough of this all this bitching ain't going to change shit anyhow. No matter what we are always going to get fucked with.
How things have changed but yet they stay the same
I absolutely love how technology has changed this job and actually made it a little harder than it used to be. We now live in a climate of how can I avoid an investigation. It seems to me that recruiters now days are more about covering their asses than actually trying to put people in the Army. It's been awhile since I've posted here. But figured why not go ahead and post a little more. Hey it just might piss off the right or wrong people. Who really gives a fuck anyway? Maybe you do, and maybe you don't. But to be honest you are entitled to your own opinion and I really don't give a shit what you think as long as this provokes some thought. Why is it that not that long ago with paper and fax machines we were able to put more people in than we do now. Why is it with all this tech that we always seem to shoot ourselves in the foot? I don't understand. I guess USAREC got off the whole individual mission. That is the bad words to say now. Personally I find it funny. Gone are the days of individual awards and such. Things that most people were motivated to try and achieve. I know I was. But now it seems that we are so damn bogged down with all these gadgets to save time that we have lost sight of what the goal is. While I kinda liked the whole team recruiting thing it did have its flaws. It allowed sorry ass people to sit there and hide behind the whole " I'm not being led lie." Before you bite my head off and say some garbage about how as leaders we always look for someone to blame. You are all blaming the center leader, the company's leaders and so on. While the recruiter is marching along not doing anything or faking it till they leave this command. I know I grew up in a time that was a sink or swim mentality. Did it work? I would like to think so. Did I like it? Not the way it was being managed back then. But believe it or not I see that toxic type of leadership coming back. You can sit here and that's bullshit. Well not really. You now have an entire culture of recruiters and center commanders that have no clue what it's like to work late, to work on weekends, or just do what it takes to make mission. Now that the command is in danger of failing that mission what do you think they are going to do? Sit there hold hands and swap spit and tell feel good stories or try and figure out if it's a compliance or training issue. No they are going to buckle under the pressure and revert back to the only thing they know they can do. Which is threaten careers, Evals time off and shit like that. But please explain to me why back in the day with all the toxic leadership that we could put in 80k people per year and now with this touchy feel my balls usarec that we are in danger of failing this mission. Why is that. Most people will say lack of leadership. Some will say it's lack of training that the people in place don't know any better. Or wait maybe it's the market. Well did you see that? All that blame trying to be put off on something as to the reason we cannot make mission. Maybe with all this technology to save is time it's actually created a bigger workload for everyone. Look at all the bullshit ass online training that we have to do. Look at all the other bullshit that we have to do. Then when you figure in meetings conference calls piss tests and all the other fucked up ass administrative work that has nothing to do with this job it's a wonder we even have the time to wipe our ass. Sorry for the rambling tonight but more will follow. I e been seeing and witnessing things that are really pissing me off here lately. Sorry buddy but I'm back
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