Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Here we go again...MEPS is the fucking enemy of recruiting period. I don't care what anyone says that's it right there. We are at the point now to where we have to hand carry SPF pulls to MEPS. Are you kidding me? What are we living in the fucking 90's again? With all this tech we are slowly going back to the damn dark ages. What happened to email? Read receipts and all that sort of shit. I mean are things that fucked up that we cannot no longer email a spf to a counselor. It started off with our med reads and now it has filtered it's way down to the spf pulls. I don't get it. I really don't. So now to throw another monkey wrench in the gear works. Someone has to take time out of their busy day and hand carry a fucking simple spf pull down to the meps. I mean is there any other way to mess this up. Why did things seem like they worked a hell of a lot smoother with a phone call and a fax. Now that we have this email and all this electronic tracking means it's even making it more screwed up. 72 hour rule got it dealing with it. Have a damn good system in place for it. But what I don't have a system for is when you project someone. And then 24 hours before someone hits the floor. You get a phone call saying your person cannot process because they need a spf and guess what IT HAS TO BE HAND CARRIED. BULLSHIT. The 72 hour rule is in place to prevent this sort of bullshit, but guess what it still goes on. No one is held accountable. But you better believe the recruiter and the station commander are held accountable when something goes wrong. But when MEPS fucks up, it's like oh well just deal with it. Deal with it. Now I have to bring an applicant back and reschedule a time, while the whole time I am dealing with parents, friends the applicant explaining to them how there is a glitch in the system and it will be hammered out by the time they get back. And that is a fifty fifty shot. Almost like shooting a shotgun at a target fifty yards away and hoping a pellet hits the target. Most of the time it don't. I love it I really do. And people wonder why we are mad sometimes. When someone is held accountable for shit like this is the only time it's going to change.

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