Friday, December 17, 2010

Here is what I don't understand. People who resist change...what I mean by this is. I have a friend in another company in another BN. I used to be there, so I kinda know what the deal is there. He has been telling me that the command there is basically resisting this new pinnacle recruiting idea. Why would people do that? Is it about the bragging rights or something? I would really like to know. Things here have changed for the better in a big way. 1SG knows how to act like a 1SG, knows how to be a true professional, and will actually listen to what someone has to say and if they have a better idea then well it happens. We still have pockets of people out there trying to circumvent the CG's policy letter of 9-5, but I guess those types will be going to the wayside soon enough.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Here we go again...MEPS is the fucking enemy of recruiting period. I don't care what anyone says that's it right there. We are at the point now to where we have to hand carry SPF pulls to MEPS. Are you kidding me? What are we living in the fucking 90's again? With all this tech we are slowly going back to the damn dark ages. What happened to email? Read receipts and all that sort of shit. I mean are things that fucked up that we cannot no longer email a spf to a counselor. It started off with our med reads and now it has filtered it's way down to the spf pulls. I don't get it. I really don't. So now to throw another monkey wrench in the gear works. Someone has to take time out of their busy day and hand carry a fucking simple spf pull down to the meps. I mean is there any other way to mess this up. Why did things seem like they worked a hell of a lot smoother with a phone call and a fax. Now that we have this email and all this electronic tracking means it's even making it more screwed up. 72 hour rule got it dealing with it. Have a damn good system in place for it. But what I don't have a system for is when you project someone. And then 24 hours before someone hits the floor. You get a phone call saying your person cannot process because they need a spf and guess what IT HAS TO BE HAND CARRIED. BULLSHIT. The 72 hour rule is in place to prevent this sort of bullshit, but guess what it still goes on. No one is held accountable. But you better believe the recruiter and the station commander are held accountable when something goes wrong. But when MEPS fucks up, it's like oh well just deal with it. Deal with it. Now I have to bring an applicant back and reschedule a time, while the whole time I am dealing with parents, friends the applicant explaining to them how there is a glitch in the system and it will be hammered out by the time they get back. And that is a fifty fifty shot. Almost like shooting a shotgun at a target fifty yards away and hoping a pellet hits the target. Most of the time it don't. I love it I really do. And people wonder why we are mad sometimes. When someone is held accountable for shit like this is the only time it's going to change.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Oh hell when I got to work today I opened up an email that really burned my ass. The email has another fucking hotseat sheet that we have to send to our 1SG. Because our floor conversion as a BN absolutely sucks. (Like that is a big surprise given how our MEPS is) But here is what really kills me. It doesn't matter how many fucking pieces of paper everyone signs and puts in a damn packet it's not going to change a fucking thing. Not until someone is held accountable whether it's the recruiters (who are always blamed) the station commanders, 1SG, but mainly the MEPS guidance shop are the ones that needs to be held to the fire. I don't care how much you brief someone, how much you read off the damn 10K FBI bullshit. A piece of paper is not going to change anything. We already have to have the hotseat sheet in the packet that has to be signed off on by everyone under the fucking sun. Then we have a MEPS briefing memo that the applicant has to sign. Then we have to have to sign the 14 questions (the ones the counselors ask applicants right when they sit down in the chair) And now this shit. And you know what with all those memo's signed and put into the packets, nothing changes, shit is still the same. Paper don't change things people do bottom line. Holy shit I remember back when we didn't have these problems. We didn't have people sign all these fucking hotseats, and memo's and all this garbage. And for the most part they all got in. Maybe we did and I am just remembering the good times. But tell me this how come it's this big deal now. I mean if someone is dq'd so what work through it move on. That's life, you are going to lose some people to the game, plain and simple. Just like you are going to take a DEP loss at one point or another. Shit happens deal with it. I mean for some reason this just really burns me up, I don't know why but it just does.

Friday, April 23, 2010

So I did something tonight. I sat here and read the crap that I have posted in here over the last year. Man I am/was one disgruntled individual. But a lot of what I have said in here is true. The MEPS thing is still true. Hell we got a phone call about a guy needing a spf today and he was supposed to process tomorrow. Some things never change I see. Oh well, I sort of expected it today. Guess everyone that decides to join through me for now on I will just do a spf change on them no matter what. Anyhow that toxic style leadership I have been describing does and still does exist. Although it's not as bad as it was. Either that joker is feeling some heat or he is just getting older. Who the hell knows. I do know this I should have blown this all open a long time ago when I was asked to. But as it stands right now I think Rome is falling. Take that how ever you want...I am going to continue posting on here. I was wondering if that person from the HQ is still interested?

Monday, April 19, 2010


Okay here goes. I am the type of person to let shit build up and then just blow up. That is a big flaw in me that I need to correct. So bear with me here on my latest rant. The MEPS here is absolutely fucked up beyond repair. The powers that be need to completely clean that place out and start over fresh. I have never seen such bullshit in all my life. Med reads you can forget about this place. They get lost, spfs get lost or not done. They should call this place "good luck with that" The doc there fails everyone on the airborne physical. How the fuck can everyone that goes through that place fail that test? Someone needs to explain that one. I know of one MEPS where almost everyone passes the Airborne physical not here. They will let the guy get a damn job that requires that physical before they take the physical. Then the fucking doc there will fail them. Then the kid is all pissed off that they fail the airborne physical and then they have to reno. But usually they will fucking dep loss. Complete stupidity. I mean how damn hard is it to go ahead and do the Airborne portion of the physical before the kids take a job? I mean really how hard is that? That needs to be explained.

Oh hell and let me not get on the subject of projections. I cannot count how many we have lost over the last month due to the bullshit from this place. Bullshit like you get a guy projected within the 72 hour rule then at the last minute you get a phone call saying an applicant needs a spf change. Are you fucking kidding me? I mean you have a person projected the right way and then you are told within less than 24 hours your person needs a spf. Is this something that should have been caught oh lets say when the fucking projection was made. This type of monkey business goes on everyday. I wish I would have taken notes so I can say it with a little more conviction on here.

And now we come back to the time off policy again. Today we get an email where we have to enter in the recruiters requirements for the day. Then at the end of the day we have to send back what they made. And guess what? If they didn't make their requirements then they have to stay until 2000 or until the requirements are met. Did the policy change? I thought the time off policy was not supposed to be held to production. If it's changed then so be it. But I have saw nothing of the sort. But that is what is being done plain and simple. To me that is bullshit.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I love it...It's snowing like hell outside and all anyone can think about is making phone calls from the house. I don't know about you but this is a real good idea. People are worried about the snow outside and getting their driveways shoveled out and you want them to make phone calls to seniors, grads, etc. Yeah there is going to be some quality appointments out of that (Makes Fart Sound). I mean is that where everyone's mind is? The numbers, the contacts, and that everyone is so worried about phone calls that we have to have our guys do them on a day when it's a damn blizzard outside? I have never understood this and probably never will.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I love the term operational mission. I can tell you how this term is being used. So try and stay with me on this. Last year this time or somewhere around this time. Our company was putting in about 70 combined contracts a month. Now fast forward to the present. Right now the economy is in the shitter, people are joining in record numbers, hours have been cut back, and to top it all off the mission is lower. But are some satisfied with this? NO!! So now I have been hearing the term "operational mission" So what this means is just because we wrote so many people last year. Now the thinking is we should write that many now. Which in a way is true. But the mission was cut back for a reason. And here is what kills me. When we are told we need x amount of people we step up and provide. But now when it has been cut back and given a hint of a break, I guess some don't see it that way. They are mad that the mission has been cut in half. Well just venting a little. I know not everyone will see what I am saying.