Thursday, April 16, 2009


Ok here we go. We have all been hearing about the time off policy, hell it has been out there for more than a minute. Anyhow, not one peep from our leadership on this. There was the talk on hey we need clarification. Clarify what? I thought it was spelled out so a third grader could understand it. I would be willing to bet if that letter was extending the work hours there would have been no "we need to get some more clarification on that." If something like that was put out that would have been adheared to almost immeadiately. What is the difference in the BN HQ or my CG putting something out? Nothing. See what gets me is the leadership between us and the puzzle palace has to get clarification on shit. Now if my BN HQ had put something out and I had to tell my soldiers I need clarification I would have been told to shut and kick in. In other words just do it. So what was the big deal with this? I can tell you. People are in a mindset that we have until 2000 to get things done. So now we have a culture of people that think that the duty day doesn't end until 2000. Now they are going to be forced to get things done by 1700. In my opinion (and we know about those) those people are not going to know how to act. I am going to sit here and bet you that there will those who will try and get around this. As sure as I am sitting here typing, someone will, then what? There will be those who are going to say you can add to but not take away. I will pull that bullshit card too.

What I don't understand is there was no emails concerning this from our higher, no hey follow this, or don't follow this until we get clarification etc. I mean not one damn peep over this letter, to me it was amazing. I for one firmly believe that this can work, everyone is just going to have to buckle down and make it happen. This is something that is long overdue. If for the most part these Soldiers will be willing to stay behind a couple days a week if it means getting someone in. Hell I am all for that. Soldiers are willing to sacrifice their time if they know that they will be getting off at a certain time for the most part. It is about time that we have a set time to get off and not using 1700 as an incentive. It is not predictable to say hey if you make 3 for the day then you get off. Well that is something that is not going to be consistent. 1700 everday is going to be consistent. Now if you have that, at first there will be some growing pain to these guys/gals getting adjusted to this. But like all change everyone gets used to it, and soon as the mindset gets etched in then this will be like clockwork. Well time to put up or shut up as they say.

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