Thursday, January 21, 2010

I love the term operational mission. I can tell you how this term is being used. So try and stay with me on this. Last year this time or somewhere around this time. Our company was putting in about 70 combined contracts a month. Now fast forward to the present. Right now the economy is in the shitter, people are joining in record numbers, hours have been cut back, and to top it all off the mission is lower. But are some satisfied with this? NO!! So now I have been hearing the term "operational mission" So what this means is just because we wrote so many people last year. Now the thinking is we should write that many now. Which in a way is true. But the mission was cut back for a reason. And here is what kills me. When we are told we need x amount of people we step up and provide. But now when it has been cut back and given a hint of a break, I guess some don't see it that way. They are mad that the mission has been cut in half. Well just venting a little. I know not everyone will see what I am saying.

1 comment:

  1. They've also closed some categories which means that some that WANT to join now can't. The Company and Battalion levels of USAREC don't seem to really get it, in my opinion. But, hey, I'm just a spouse...what do I know?!
