Thursday, January 29, 2009
My idiotic leaders again acting like jackasses
So today I had to go to another station to get some things done. So when I get there my 1SG is there. He never tells us where he is. (why I don't fucking know) Anyway there he is. And today he is acting like more than a jackass than usual. I guess he had to make up for yesterday. Anyhow there are like two suspenses that were not due until 1300 and here it is only 1130. Then he starts cussing at me like I am all fucked up. Hell I was about to send him the taskers anyhow. So, later on in the day this jerk-off sends me a counseling statement via email. What kind of bullshit is that? It was not even one that could be digitally signed either. I took it as a negative counseling statement. Maybe it was not. I don't know. I do know this that counseling statement was all fucked up, damn spelling errors and everything. What does he expect me to do sign that shit. I don't think so. What is pissing me the fuck off is the fact that my station is going to finish out this mission by next week. He has other stations that are way worse than what I am doing, I hope and pray that he is crawling through there assholes like he is mine. I do know this me and this cocksucker are going to talk tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
So why is it when people are doing really good they higher ups in this business like fucking with you. My station is on lead line and has box plus identified. But my retarded ass first sergeant keeps pushing my station for more. Why is that, why don't he push the stations that are not doing anything that is the people he needs to be fucking with and not me. Not to much happened today in the way of stupidity except for that. No dumbass phone calls, no dumbass suspenses, nothing. I really cannot believe it. No formations, no wasing government money today. Nothing. I am in disbelief about the whole day. I think it is the calm before the fucking storm.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sorry leadership
So I was the floor manager today for the company. You have read my previous post as to how late I worked yesterday. Then I had to get up and 0245 this morning just to get to MEPS this morning. And I had to drive in the snow to get there. Hey 1sg that was very safe. Also what was safe was having one of my other reruiters be at the meps the same time I had to be there. He had no reason to be there other than my 1SG wanted him there, very very stupid. So I was on the floor all day. Up all day since 0245. Bottom line is this, our station had two guys who wanted certain jobs and there was no training available. And the Recruiting Operations Command was not working with us. (See you just cannot come into the office and get whatever job you want.) So anyway after everyone under the fucking sunshine talking to these two, they still didn't join. So I talk to them in the car, then I had to take them to another station commander he talked to them. Then they had to go and talk to the 1SG. And the whole time the roads are icing over. Anyway we I had to go back to the office and pull a job for them, they agreed to go back down on Friday. So I get back to the office, I notice all the recruiters are gone. Now I find out from my 1SG he sent them all home. Ok that is fine, but why do I have to stay and pull jobs on these guys when all my recruiters have been released for safety considerations. I have been up since 0245, been up the whole damn time, then I have to stay at the office till about 2100 again, to pull a jobs on two people who didn't pick jobs earlier today. So now why don't we give everyone at least a little time to decompress? And why am I still at work when the roads are iced over, where is the consideration for my fucking safety? That is what I want to know. What a jackhole for a leader.
Monday, January 26, 2009
The type of toxic leadership I deal with.
So the station commanders are told today that each recruiter will make at least three appointments today. Nevermind what MAP says (Mission Accomplishment Plan). So I have 4 Regular Army Recruiters in my station. According to the conversion data it says that they should only have to make 13 appointments for the whole week for 4 recruiters. Now let me do some simple fucking math here. 4 into 13 is what 3.25 apts for the entire fucking week! So we could round that up and just say 4. And this cocksucker wants 3 apts per recruiter today! Fuck that, what a bunch of bullshit. Then after I sent out the end of day report ( the report that says how many apts each recruiter has for the day). This dude is tripping out on how all these apts better show the hell up etc etc. Now I am thinking to myself we are working our asses off, and we are making the actual mission (contracts). I was also told by this asshole he didn't care about success all he cared about was the standard being met. Well fuck me in the asshole what a crock of fucking shit. Let me explain this too. Even though we are making mission this cocksmoker doesn't fucking care? Are you serious? I tell you what let me tell my recruiters to lay down and not make any contracts then we will see how bad he cares about being successfull. I just don't get it. Then he is telling me that I am basically a piece of shit. Well excuse me for making mission you cocksucking fuckshit. I really don't understand it. Since when did all this come about? I am working me and my guys until 2130 at night and it is still not enough. We are making mission, ie, the bottom line month after fucking month and he don't care? What a fucking jackass. Then I am working until the late hours of the night and then I have to be up at the MEPS tomorrow morning at 0530? MEPS is about an hour away. So that means I have to get up around 0300 in the morning just to get to MEPS on time. I even asked this guy my 1SG who is supposed to care about soldiers mind you if I could cut out a little early and he said no. You are going to stay there until at least 2100, I didn't get off the phone with in my station until 2145. Do the math will I have the rest I need to be on the road in a Govt vehicle? I don't think so. And reader, this is going on all over the country at every recruiting company in every recruiting BN. It will be denied, but it is being done. A little research will yield big results.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Well our commander called a meeting late friday night for 1300 on Saturday. Now this is not that bad. Except for the fact that the station commanders had to drive approximately 1 and a half hours one way for this meeting. When we get there I find out that what the meeting was about could have been handled over the telephone. So 8 station commanders on the road. Everyone traveled for an average of 90 miles so at the IRS rate of 50.5 cents per mile. Well let me just put it this way 45 bucks times 8 is what? Ok people that is 360 bucks one way for 8 people, and now you have to multiply that 360 times two (round trip remember) So the taxpayer's just shelled out 720 dollars for 8 people to have a meeting that could have been handled for practically free on the telephone. Shit like this goes on all the time. All over the United States. I am pretty sure this is going to happen within our company sometime this week. Probably have some stupid meeting at the BN HQ for no fucking reason other than to get yelled at. But then again I don't care anymore.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Listen to this shit.
So usually where we are at we usually have a family time, which is mandated by the command, but today we didn't fucking get it. Now here is what I don't understand. We are told that family time will not be stepped on. But today everyone was told there family time would be on Saturday. Now mind you Saturday is a full fucking work day too. Another thing I don't get is the fact that my station is year to date on our numbers, meaning we have made mission so far year to date. I don't get the fact that we are year to date and we are working till 2100 everyday, this is the stupid shit people do in USAREC. I also don't get the fact that we have mission for the month identified, and we are still working till 2100 at night. Sometimes these recruiters have to get up at 0300 or earlier for the next day to take people down to MEPS, and we are being forced to keep them till these stupid hours at night.
Oh and let me get on the fact that these people, USAREC leaders, waste all sorts of money. For example just think about how much it takes to fill up a typical sedan this day and age. How much money does it take to fill up one of them cars, oh let's say a Dodge Stratus or a Chevy Impala. Well I can tell you how much it costs around 25-35 bucks depending on how empty your tank is. Now here is a prime example of how the leaders will waste money. A typical company in USAREC has about 30-60 govt vehicles, depending on the amount of recruiters they are authorized. Sometimes they will get a hair up their ass, and call a formation the next day and make it mandatory everyone will attend. Hey it's your tax dollars at work and usually these recruiters will have to travel more than 200 miles round trip for this little excursion. Or you can go even bigger and the BN HQ will do something equally stupid and further away from your location and usually this takes away from our daily production. Sometimes it actually intereferes with what we have going on for the day. And the leaders don't give a shit. They don't give a shit that when they call for a formation in the morning that most of their recruiters had to get up really early in the morning, and then drive in heavy traffic, sometimes in hazardous conditions. All of this just to get to a formation because some 1SG or a CSM had a wild hair up their ass and they want to see everyone at 0800 in the morning because some people are not making their appts. This is the kind of bullshit that I have to put up with everyday. I would rather be riding up and down the streets of Iraq than put up with this shit. These so called leaders out here don't know how to lead. I thought USAREC was getting rid of the so called toxic leadership. But there are still some of those stupid asses out here. All they care about is the bottom line, it's all about the numbers. Those numbers are going to always be there, no matter how much bitching and yelling they do them numbers are not going to change, the only thing that is changing those numbers is the current state of the economy. I am tired of being successful and not getting rewarded for it. This is complete bullshit.
Oh and let me get on the fact that these people, USAREC leaders, waste all sorts of money. For example just think about how much it takes to fill up a typical sedan this day and age. How much money does it take to fill up one of them cars, oh let's say a Dodge Stratus or a Chevy Impala. Well I can tell you how much it costs around 25-35 bucks depending on how empty your tank is. Now here is a prime example of how the leaders will waste money. A typical company in USAREC has about 30-60 govt vehicles, depending on the amount of recruiters they are authorized. Sometimes they will get a hair up their ass, and call a formation the next day and make it mandatory everyone will attend. Hey it's your tax dollars at work and usually these recruiters will have to travel more than 200 miles round trip for this little excursion. Or you can go even bigger and the BN HQ will do something equally stupid and further away from your location and usually this takes away from our daily production. Sometimes it actually intereferes with what we have going on for the day. And the leaders don't give a shit. They don't give a shit that when they call for a formation in the morning that most of their recruiters had to get up really early in the morning, and then drive in heavy traffic, sometimes in hazardous conditions. All of this just to get to a formation because some 1SG or a CSM had a wild hair up their ass and they want to see everyone at 0800 in the morning because some people are not making their appts. This is the kind of bullshit that I have to put up with everyday. I would rather be riding up and down the streets of Iraq than put up with this shit. These so called leaders out here don't know how to lead. I thought USAREC was getting rid of the so called toxic leadership. But there are still some of those stupid asses out here. All they care about is the bottom line, it's all about the numbers. Those numbers are going to always be there, no matter how much bitching and yelling they do them numbers are not going to change, the only thing that is changing those numbers is the current state of the economy. I am tired of being successful and not getting rewarded for it. This is complete bullshit.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
This cute little game we play
Here is how this game is played sometimes. We are all about the numbers. As recruiters and station commanders we all pressured to make the numbers. We have to make so many apts a day, we have to have so many conducts per week, and we have to have so many testers per week, so many test passed per week and of course there is the animal of contract placement. Now anyone who is smart will sit there and say well if you make so many apts you will get so many conducts testers etc. Now what is supposed to happen is this make so many of this get that and so on. We are told in the school house that for example in a perfect world as a recruiter you are supposed to have 6 apts 4 conducts 2 testers 1 test passed and one contract each week. Now this is in a damn perfect world. Let me clue everyone in on something, you are not going to make that each and every week. But the people who are in charge way above the station level believes that this has to be done each and every week. What kind weed are they smoking? Hell I would like some of that shit. Those numbers are a damn guide, not the fucking gospel according to Matthew. There are numerous things that goes on during a recruiters day that takes us away from making apts. But no one seems to fucking care or give a shit. Give me my numbers, what about these conducts etc. Sometimes I want to tell the powers that be they can shove that MAP up their ass and sit on it. Most everyone that joins the Army are walk ins anyhow. No one wants to believe it. They want to say that if you make 400 phone calls a day you are supposed to have so many apts and so on down the road we can go. Never, never, never I have I ever had a good apt off of a phone call. It is a big damn waste of time. And now days with the caller ID people look at that shit. But the people in charge seem to think that no one looks at caller ID, they seem to think that eveyone is sitting at the house waiting for you to call them. Bullshit. We need to be out in the street finding people that way, the people that wind up joining are the people who are tired of their everyday mundane bullshit job they are holding. Now I have a station that is always making mission, and get this we are fucking working weekends, working from damn 0830 and working past 2100 at night, and no one in the command gives a fucking fat rats ass. I have never been treated like this in all my life. I have never been anywhere that is making mission and we have to work like this. How many quality conducts have you ever had on a damn Saturday, yeah that is what I thought fucking none. This to me is a crock of shit. How the hell are you supposed to preach to soldiers that they will have a good quality of life if they are making mission? You cannot when your hand as a station commander is being forced to keep them there. I was brought up make mission, go fishing. But not here, we are working our soldiers to the damn bone. It is fucking crimminal.
more jacked up shit.
So, this morning starts off with my asshat first sergeant giving me a call. I don't think there is a day that goes by that he doesn't call me. Every fucking morning I get a phone call from this jackass. This morning was about how some projection was not showing on the system. So I am thinking great here we go again. This computerized version of recruiting is going to be our damn downfall. I remember back in the day all you had to do was fax a couple of pieces of paper to the MEPS and your person was good as long as you had the packet tight before the applicant sat down in the chair with the counsler. Now these days with the advent of computers, (which are supposed to make life easier), it is all fucked up. Now everything starts with that computer. OK lets say we have someone that is ready to join up. First off they have to be able to pass the ASVAB test, then they have to be squeeky clean on the medical. And if they are not clean on medical then that opens up a whole new can of worms. Then they have to damn near be clean on law violations. (contrary to popular belief that the Army takes any and every swinging dick and twat that come through the door.) Now in the old days we filled out a handwritten packet. In this paper saving system we have now, we have to print off an application, which is just a printed out blank sf-86. Then after the applicant brings all that to us along with their documents. Then the fucking really fun stuff starts. All this information gets typed in the system. Then we have to go out and physically run police and court checks everywhere the applicant has ever lived worked or went to school. Now you are probably saying wait, the reg says this. Well how we are told to do it here is run them everywhere they list on the SF-86 or in ARISS. After we get all those police checks back then we have to do an applicant prescreen checklist. And this thing is fucking ridiculous. It asks them like over 144 questions, of all this crazy ass shit. What this thing is designed to do is to shake loose anything that the applicant may suddenly remember down at the MEPS while going through the medical portion. While the intent of this thing is good. What it has turned into is a damn parade of stupidity. First the recruiter has to go through this with the applicant, then the station commander has to do it, then the first sergeant has to do it. And all this time you and the applicant are at the mercy of when the first sergeant (who has to have it done before the applicant can join mind you) can do this prescreen checklist. What winds up happening, this thing gets printed out faxed to someone faxed back, scanned into the system. It gets crazy as hell. And to top all this off you have to have their documents scanned in the system, along with the medical prescreen, which is seperate from the other precreen we do. Now this shit has to be done 72 hours prior to the applicant hitting the MEPS. Now back in the day, I could get a packet done in like less than a day and half at most have them projected and someone could be in the Army in less than 3 days. Now we have to go through this damn ordeal everytime someone has to join now. What kills me is the fact with less tech we put more people in. Now with all this technology we are being bogged down in the bullshit. It frustrates me to no damn end. If someone walked into my office let's say on Monday and wanted to join tomorrow, well they just cannot do it. Back in the day if someone walked into the office on Monday and wanted to enlist on Tuesday or Wednesday we could make it happen. Oh well, but hey sarge the computer is going to make it easier for you.
The only thing that is any easier on the computer now is the waiver process. Tech in that part of the recruiting process has helped ten fold. I can now get a waiver pushed through in record time. Back in the day we had to fed ex copies of packets to the waiver clerk then they had to fed ex shit out etc. Well now it's all in there electronically. Oh and the 72 hour rule still applies when they finally get to join too. Well like the saying goes that is all I have to say about that.
The only thing that is any easier on the computer now is the waiver process. Tech in that part of the recruiting process has helped ten fold. I can now get a waiver pushed through in record time. Back in the day we had to fed ex copies of packets to the waiver clerk then they had to fed ex shit out etc. Well now it's all in there electronically. Oh and the 72 hour rule still applies when they finally get to join too. Well like the saying goes that is all I have to say about that.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
OK so here is where we stand with this. This job I hold is the most thankless job in the world. The public really don't like us. And the command treats us like shit. I have never been in an organization that treats it's people like the trash of the earth. It is a business of what have you done for me lately mentality. It's like this, I have a station that is making mission, and the command is still having us working stupid hours. I am getting so worn down by this. I guess I will have to sit here and explain a few more things about this job to help you the reader to understand.
As recruiters we have certain "requirements" we have to meet. So let me break it down for you like four flat tires. Let's say if you make 100 phone calls and out of that you get maybe 2 apts. Well it takes 8 apts for you to get lets say 4 quality conducts. And out of those 4 conducts that you get 1 contract out all that. Sounds easy huh? Well it's not. Because out of all those conducts you conduct. You have to find the perfect fucking person. While not all that impossible. It sure as hell seems that way. Well you say hey man that all seems to damn easy. All I have to do is make x amount of phone calls and get x amount of apts then I get x amount of conducts then x amount of contracts. Simple sales. Not really. We have to sell someone something they cannot see, touch, taste, or smell. Yeah I said it...If I was selling cars (something tangeable) I would probably be a fucking millionare.
So what I am going to mainly talking about here is the toxic type of leadership that I have to put up with on a daily basis. The constant damn struggle here that it takes. I am going to air it all out in here. I don't really care who this makes mad, this is going to be the truth. The truth about what really goes on. The truth about how recruiters are treated. The truth about the crappy leadership and how they are so damn disconnected from leading soldiers and the only thing they look at are the numbers. About how the person no longer matters especially to these vultures. More to come stay tuned. Oh yeah and BTW I am not going to use my government computer to post this shit in here. This will all be done from my own damn laptop...So there put that in your pipe and smoke it.
As recruiters we have certain "requirements" we have to meet. So let me break it down for you like four flat tires. Let's say if you make 100 phone calls and out of that you get maybe 2 apts. Well it takes 8 apts for you to get lets say 4 quality conducts. And out of those 4 conducts that you get 1 contract out all that. Sounds easy huh? Well it's not. Because out of all those conducts you conduct. You have to find the perfect fucking person. While not all that impossible. It sure as hell seems that way. Well you say hey man that all seems to damn easy. All I have to do is make x amount of phone calls and get x amount of apts then I get x amount of conducts then x amount of contracts. Simple sales. Not really. We have to sell someone something they cannot see, touch, taste, or smell. Yeah I said it...If I was selling cars (something tangeable) I would probably be a fucking millionare.
So what I am going to mainly talking about here is the toxic type of leadership that I have to put up with on a daily basis. The constant damn struggle here that it takes. I am going to air it all out in here. I don't really care who this makes mad, this is going to be the truth. The truth about what really goes on. The truth about how recruiters are treated. The truth about the crappy leadership and how they are so damn disconnected from leading soldiers and the only thing they look at are the numbers. About how the person no longer matters especially to these vultures. More to come stay tuned. Oh yeah and BTW I am not going to use my government computer to post this shit in here. This will all be done from my own damn laptop...So there put that in your pipe and smoke it.
So here is where I stand, I am an Army Recruiter. I am a full time 79R. I am going to put things here that might piss some people off. I don't care I am tired of putting up with the shit that we as senior NCO's in the Army have to put up with. Being my luck they will hunt me down and fry my ass. So be it.
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